Angelo came to the shelter as a stray. His hind leg was clearly injured as he wouldn't put weight on it, but despite the pain he still had the sweetest disposition.
At the veterinary hospital, x-rays confirmed a fractured femur. Angelo will need an operation to realign the bone and hold it together with a plate and screws. After surgery, he'll go on eight weeks of cage rest.
Angelo just wants a home with a loving family, but he needs surgery before he can be cleared for adoption. Will you help him get this critical treatment to heal from his injury?
Angelo fractured his femur and needs surgery to heal!
You can help Angelo get the treatment he needs to heal. Your gift will not only give him the hope to keep fighting, but your donations will help cover his ongoing care.
Help us meet our goal of $8,000 for Angelo and pets like him.
Greater Good Charities has ultimate authority and discretion with regard to the distribution of its funds. All expenditures made are consistent with the exempt purposes of Greater Good Charities.